"The people, both the other guests and all the staff, the knowledge of all the staff and speakers, the venue, the organization, the food, the programming organization and variety, the accommodations. I loved it all, but the staff/guest ratio was superb! There was not a thing I did not like." - First Time Visitor, 2016

 All proceeds generated through the New River Birding & Nature Festival and our other events go to the registered 501C3 local nonprofit Fayette County Education Fund, Inc. (FCEF). Festival participants and friends have helped support Education Fund programs since the first Festival in 2002. It is the mission of the FCEF to secure the future of Fayette County by providing relevant leadership training and environmental education to the community with an emphasis on youth. The mission is carried out through the programs Leadership Fayette County and a variety of environmentally focused programs delivered in our outdoor wetlands and woodlands classroom at the New River Birding & Nature Center located in Wolf Creek Park.

The FCEF is an important organization in leading our county down a path to strengthen sustainable growth initiatives. Through various programs, local youth gain important knowledge and are better informed about the area to make the decision to return upon completion of their higher education.

As a non-profit organization, the FCEF graciously accepts tax-deductible monetary donations from generous businesses and the individuals. Donors may designate contributions to any of the programs listed below.

Checks made payable to Fayette County Education Fund, Inc. with a donation designation on the memo line can be mailed to: Fayette County Education Fund, Inc., 310 West Oyler Avenue, Oak Hill, WV 25901.

Student Festival Scholarships Available to students from grade 6 through college, for a half-week package during our spring Festival to be immersed in environmental education under the instruction of the expert guides in the field and in presentations. Students under age 18 must have a paid guardian present. The scholarships are awarded by the Fayette County Education Fund and made possible through donations. After verification and acceptance, a schedule of field trips will be provided. Lodging is not included. Included: three daily meals, three field trips, daily presentations, field trip transportation, checklist, itinerary. For scholarship information and application requests, please Contact Us.

Leadership Fayette County Free program for selected Fayette County high school juniors to promote essential leadership qualities while providing first hand experiences in the business, government, and tourism sectors of Fayette County, West Virginia. Send your donation by mail or by PayPalRead More

Wolf Creek Wanderers Free 5-day summer program for those entering grades 8 - college, exploring Natural Science at Wolf Creek Park's New River Birding & Nature Center's Wetlands and Woodlands. More Info to Come - Updates in Progress

New River Birding & Nature Center With a gorgeous view in any season, this gem of a spot drips with migrating birds and overflows with plant and wild life. Since 2008, the New River Birding & Nature Center serves as an environmental education hub for residents, businesses, and visitors from across and beyond West Virginia. School groups, families, and anyone who visits the site benefits from programs, guided field trips, and self-interpretive activities unavailable anywhere else in the region. You can help us maintain and extend the Wetlands Boardwalk in the outdoor classroom for all ages at New River Birding & Nature Center. Send your donation by mail or by PayPalContact UsLearn More

FUNdraisers These are fun fundraiser ideas we've come up with, such as Sunday Dinner in the Meadows to start the Festival week and the Leadership Fayette County Graduation Banquet held each May.

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Did You Know... The New River Birding & Nature Festival was established in 2002 to help fund the Fayette County Education Fund's youth environmental education and leadership training programs. At the time, bird watcher Dave Pollard (aka Guru) had an idea that included supplementing student education to develop a competitive edge and sense of place to help foster future leaders and community organizers while spearheading the development of a mixed-use business park with a natural element for environmental education and beautification to positively impact economic and community development immediately and long term. Well, there are a lot of pieces to that puzzle and Dave's analytical brain put them all together and with help from friends and colleagues the vision became reality.

More than 200 bird species (including cardinals, robins, and crows) have been observed “anting.”  Their bliss is my myrmecophobia.